Copying CHIRP Data Files To Any Handheld

A simple method for copying any CHIRP data file (.img) to any handheld that CHIRP can program.

Step 1. With CHIRP running, open the CHIRP data file (.img) that you want to upload into another handheld.

Step 2. Connect the new handheld to CHIRP and download the data it currently contains by selecting “Download from radio…” from under the CHIRP Radio menu.

Step 3. Select the tab of the data file you want to copy and “Select All” by selecting “Select All” from under the CHIRP Edit menu or click in the very top-left corner of the CHIRP file grid.

Step 4. Copy the selection by selecting “Copy” from under the CHIRP Edit menu or pressing control-c on a PC or command-c on a Mac.

Step 5. Select the tab of the downloaded data file of the copy to handheld and “Select All” by selecting “Select All” from under the CHIRP Edit menu or click in the very top-left corner of the CHIRP file grid.

Step 6. With all the cells of the CHIRP file grid of the new handheld selected, “Paste” from under the CHIRP Edit menu or pressing control-v on a PC or command-v on a Mac. Select “Yes” to “Overwrite memories?”

Step 7. Upload the newly updated CHIRP data to the new handheld by selecting “Upload to radio…” from under the CHIRP Radio menu.