Sets up MacLoggerDX to log a net or round table. The properties at the top of the script can be modified to suit any particular situation.
–Routine assumes that the call sign has been logged previously
property roundTableName : “Dixie Roundtable”
property theMode : “FM”
property theFreq : “145.490”
property theRSTS : “59”
property thePower : “8”
property theCall : “K7DLX”
tell application “MacLoggerDX”
lookup theCall
delay 3
setLogMode theMode
setLogFrequency theFreq
setPOWER thePower
set theText to “The ” & roundTableName & ” parameters have been
set. “& return & return & “Remember to take the following
steps:” & return & ” (1) Click \”Time On\” at start of QSO.”
& return & ” (2) Click \”Log QSO\” at end of QSO.” as text
set theTitle to roundTableName & ” Status” as text
display dialog theText with title theTitle buttons {“OK”} default
button “OK” with icon 1
end tell