Antenna Applescripts

  • Cubical Quad Antenna
    Provided with the frequency in MHz of the antenna and the measurement units to use when displaying the results, the measurements for a side of the various cubical quad antenna elements are provided.
  • Dipole Antenna Length
    User provides frequency of dipole in MHz and the routine provides the lengths of one side and the overall length.
  • Five Element Yagi Antenna
    Provide the center frequency in MHz and the routine will return the lengths of all elements and their spacing either in inches or meters.
  • Full-Wave Loop Antenna
    Provide the frequency in MHz and the full length of the loop will be returned.
  • Ground Plane Antenna
    Provide the center frequency in MHz and the dimensions of the antenna will be provided using a velocity factor of .96.
  • Ground Plane Radial Length
    Provide the center frequency in MHz and the length for the associated ground plane radial will be provided in meters, feet, inches, and ft & in.
  • Inverted V Antenna
    Provided with the center frequency in MHz and the degrees of one of the legs from horizontal, the length and minimum height are calculated.
  • J-Pole Antenna
    The routine asks for the center frequency in MHz and will then provide all the antenna lengths required for a J-Pole at that frequency.
  • Random Wire Antenna
    Calculates wire lengths to avoid, provides recommended wire lengths, links to related articles, and information on how the calculations work.
  • Seven Element Yagi Antenna
    Provide the center frequency of the antenna in MHz and the routine will provide the lengths and spacing for all the antenna elements.
  • Small Magnetic Loop Antenna
    Provide the center frequency of the antenna in MHz and the routine will return the dimensions for a small magnetic loop antenna for that frequency.
  • Three Element Yagi Antenna
    Given a frequency in MHz, the routine proves the lengths for the 3 elements of the antenna and the spacing between the elements.
  • Vertical Antenna Length
    Provide the frequency of the vertical antenna in MHz and the routine returns the quarter wavelength in feet and meters for the antenna and radials.